This ubiquitous ungulate is the game most hunters are after in this area. The seasons for this animal are varied so consult the current TPWD Outdoor Annual White-tailed Deer section for specifics. This resource also provides guidelines are how to tag a deer and the rules about which deer can be bagged during which seasons.

With short seasons and the need for some calling skill, bagging a Rio is certainly a test of your hunting mettle. Patience and preparation pay off big with these large, cautious poultry. Consult the TPWD page for season dates and specific county regulations.

While it may sound odd, there is some suprisingly good duck hunting to be had in the middle of West Texas. Several species frequent the small bodies of water in the area; you’ll find pintails, wigeon, gadwalls, redheads, and even some northern shovelers throughout the region. For more details on specific types, peruse the excellent records of Ducks Unlmited, an organization dedicated to the conservation and enjoyment of these challenging game-birds.

These birds are practically a part of the West Texas landscape, and bagging them is usually what kicks off the hunting seasons. Difficult enough on its own, the task of downing these nimble flyers is particularly arduous in high winds (and when they are experienced at dodging artilerry fire). If you want the challenge of a hunt where you are at the disadvantage, this is just the ticket. For more information on how to differentiate the common variants, visit the TPWD page here.